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Showing posts with the label Fitbit tracker

With Wear OS set, Google better not forget about my beloved Fitbit tracker

Please, give me a Fitbit Charge 4 refresh that "just works." We all know that Google is in the midst of a huge shakeup of its wearable ecosystem . Wear OS has continued to underperform when it comes to sales, the company recently acquired Fitbit , and a completely new platform is coming with a new generation of chips to power it. That's great news for the future, but not so great news if you're in the market right now. And that's me. Well, my wife, actually. Her doctor thinks she needs to start monitoring things like calories, exercise, heart rate, and her weight because of an unexpected weight loss. Couple in the fact that she's wrapped up in the tentacles of the Google Android ecosystem (not a bad thing, but still a total lock-in) Google Fit is the logical answer . I thought this would be easier than it is. She has a nice Withings scale that does exactly what she wants. She also has a Mi Band 4 that she loves, but it doesn't really do what she wants