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Showing posts with the label Wi-Fi 6E 6Ghz

Can you upgrade devices to Wi-Fi 6E 6Ghz? Here's what we found.

Best answer: No, not yet. Android phones will not be updated to support 6GHz Wi-Fi 6E unless they ship with support. Some PC expansion cards are available, but neither Windows 10 nor MacOS support 6GHz bands yet. Stick with Wi-Fi 6 for now Wi-Fi 6 is high-speed, with some routers offering up to AX11000 speeds and many devices supporting link speeds of 2.4Gbps. For pretty much anything you need to do on your wireless devices, this is more than fast enough. Wi-Fi 6E, however, doesn't set out to increase the top speed of Wi-Fi 6 but to keep those speeds up even in heavily congested areas. This is thanks to support for 6GHz spectrum, where there are many more WI-FI channels available. For years, our Wi-Fi devices have been using spectrum at 2.4GHz and 5GHz, and while this spectrum supports more than enough speed for our devices in a vacuum, things look very different when you add dozens of routers and wireless devices to the mix. Even 5GHz Wi-Fi, which offers multiple channels cap